If you wish to search for TIFF files, check this option. If it is unchecked, RGB File Finder will simply skip over them. You must have this option checked in order to enable the other TIFF file options.
- Check all TIFF Files/Check only PhotoShopェ TIFFs.
This option should be self explanatory. You can either have RGB File Finder check all TIFF files regardless of the application that created them, or you can have RGB File Finder check only TIFF files created with PhotoShopェ.
- Search by TAG/Search by offset.
The old version of RGB File Finder only checked the word at offset 0x004E. Since this version can check TIFF files created with applications other than PhotoShopェ, I have added the feature of searching the TAGs themselves. This is slower than searching by offset since RGB File Finder has to step through all the TIFF TAGs looking for the tag that contains the color mode value. But since the TAG can be located anywhere in the file, this is the only way to accomplish a search. In short, follow this as a rule of thumb :
1: If searching only PhotoShopェ TIFFs, set this option to search by offset for speed.
2: If searching all TIFF files, set this option to search by tag to prevent false readings.
Although searching by TAG will also work when searching only PhotoShopェ TIFFs, it's slower.
- Find RGB
With this checked, "RGB File Finder" will find all TIFF files that are in RGB mode.
- Find LAB
With this checked, "RGB File Finder" will find all TIFF files that are in LAB mode.
- Find All Non-CMYK
With this checked, RGB File Finder will find all TIFF files that are NOT in CMYK mode
(Just remember: with this checked, RGB File Finder will also stop on all Black & White Only TIFF files).
You can have all three of these options checked, but this would be redundant since the "Find All Non-CMYK" option will override the first two.
EPS File Options
- Check EPSF Files
If you wish to search for EPSF files, check this option. If it is unchecked, RGB File Finder will simply skip over them. You must have this option checked in order to enable the other EPSF file options.
- Check all EPSF Files/Check only PhotoShopェ EPSF.
As with the TIFF search options, this option should also be self explanatory. You can either have RGB File Finder check all EPSF files regardless of the application that created them, or you can have RGB File Finder check only EPSF files created with PhotoShopェ.
- Skip DCS File Extensions
With this checked, Find RGB will skip over any EPSF files that end with .C, .Y, .M or .K. I added this option just in case you have someone sending you EPS files that end with these extensions that are not DCS files. I don't know why someone would do this, but if they do, I gave you the ability to check them by turning this option off.